

  • Djukic

    Djukic - 2013-04-26

    Hi !

    Following link to licence.txt I was not able to understand if jwasm.exe can be used and distributed in applications without any limitations. I have found very complex decription about source code, but I am not interested to use source, only exe. Does one payment under "donate" solves this or not? Where and how to put notifications that only exe is used? ...


  • japheth

    japheth - 2013-04-26

    Following link to licence.txt I was not able to understand if jwasm.exe can be
    used and distributed in applications without any limitations.

    Yes, the Sybase license sounds rather complex.

    ... but I am not interested to use source, only exe.

    I suppose that's ok, as long as the exe was generated from unmodified source and perhaps a link to the location where the source can be downloaded (i.e. here) has been added.

    Does one payment under "donate" solves this or not?

    No, donations have no effect on the license.

  • Djukic

    Djukic - 2013-04-29

    This tool seems to be very good. During the short testing time I have found more examples where MASM (Microsoft) produces wrong output or simple does not produce any output, and JWASM resolves the same inputs without any problem. I am very interested to continue with systematic testing if, after that, jwasm.exe can be used also for commercial products.


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