
control-x feature of vim (omni complete for lines)

  • lolyzor

    lolyzor - 2013-09-30

    I need the omni complete for lines in vim its control-x l, to instruct vim to try to complete a whole line, is that possible in jvi, i know control-p is for one word only, what about while lines, and also control-x f, omni complete for file names?

  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2013-10-01

    I just looked at ":he compl-omni" (I assume that this is what you are talking about). This looks like it is based on vim functions. jVi does not support vim script. That is a big task and I have no plans to implement it. If you'd like to take on this task, I'm happy to support you.

    In addition, note that Ctrl-p in jVi is implemented by delegating to NetBeans; it is not natively implemented by jVi.


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