
Newb question: implementation of :tabe[dit]?

  • Jake

    Jake - 2008-11-18

    Hi, I love the firm integration with Netbeans tabs. I can't seem to find a way to open a new tab, though. I'm searching for some kind of replacement for :tabe, and I can't find it. Does such a replacement exist?

    I'd greatly appreciate any guidance anyone can offer. Thanks,


    • Ernie Rael

      Ernie Rael - 2008-11-18

      Creating files is totally in the NB realm, even opening files is difficult to implement. Consider if you did ":e <>" in what directory would the file go? Lots of issues, too messy.

      I guess you've found gt/gT commands. Also, after :e# there is command completion for open files (auto popup is an option)

      One day I would like to hook up ^w^s types of commands, but the NB API doesn't support moving things around programatically. If you clone a file and move it around, you can get side by side editing (jVi fixes some NB/swing issues where one window scrolls when editing in the other window)

      • Jake

        Jake - 2008-11-20

        Thank you for the response err! I agree, tabe would be difficult to implement.



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