
#181 Netbeans8.0 / jvi stopped working after installing other plugins


I dont know if it is a jvi or netbeans problem, but I need info to solve my problem.
My problem is that I cannot use the Netbeans IDE anymore because I cannot work without jvi!!

This is the situation:
I use Netbeans 8.0 with some other plugins and exported my options (code formatting etc) to a zip file.
OS is Ubuntu Linux.

Until some weeks ago Netbeans was working fine. Than an automatic update came, and jvi was broken. e.g. When I type Shift+a, a capital A is printed and not start editing after at the
end of the line.
Switching off/on jvi, it did not solve the problem. Even when I switch off jvi my keyboard is not working anymore.

So now I am already 2 weeks investigating / trying how to solve my problem (with no success)
here I describe in short the things I did.
1. remove ~/.cache/netbeans, ~/.netbeans/8.0
2. starting netbeans.
3. installing jvi, JVI IS WORKING here.
4. importing former exported 8.0, JVI STOPS WORKING
5. remove see 1.
6. Did my options by hand (format, fonts,colors, keymaps) by hand A LOT OF WORK.
7. installing jvi, JVI IS WORKING HERE
8. installed other plugins e.g. plantuml, PHP, copy past history, etc

Now I did a new install of netbeans and repeated the above with no success.

Pse can you give a hint to proceed, is it a bug in netbeans? or jvi?

Later on I will add reproducable scenario


  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2014-08-16

    Here's a few things you try to help figure out where is the problem.

    When jVi doesn't work, check the NB log and see if there are any exceptions.

    After your step 3, only import the jVi stuff from Does it still work? If it still works then import some other things, check if jVi works. Determine precisely what import is killing jVi.

    Do step 8 in smaller pieces, find out what is breaking jVi.

    It may be that the bug is in some other plugin that you are using (neither NB nor jVi).

  • Teun

    Teun - 2014-08-17

    Yesterday I managed to get Netbeans up and running on Ubuntu by looking carefully to
    the messages.log and adding plugins 1 by 1.


    Now my netbeans 8.0 on windows (7 professional) is broken too with same symptoms.
    How this occurred.
    I am working with QtCreator / Netbeans 8.0 on same files. When I change a file in QtCreator
    and save the file. After that editing the same file in Netbeans is sometimes not
    doable because Netbeans is becoming very slow. This situation just happened. I could not
    exit netbeans on a normal way, so I stopped the java.exe process in the windows task manager.
    After restarting netbeans jVi is not working any more. Starting stopping jvi does not help
    I attached the messages.log.

  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2014-08-17

    The failures in the log don't seem to have anything to do with jVi.

    The log starts with a lot of annotation problems, could these be related to some plugin you are using?

    And all the other stuff about: org.openide.filesystems.FileStateInvalidException

    By your comment, it looks like NB got stuck, then you killed it and on the restart things were messed up. The log of the initial fail, when it got stuck, probably has the more useful information about what caused the crashed. (I'm guessing that the log you attached is on the restart, and is not the log of what caused the crash).

    The big problem seems to be that once it crashes, it gets all screwed up as seen in the log.

  • Teun

    Teun - 2014-08-18

    Ok, I did try repair on Windows. Did complete re-install, added plugins + jvi plugins
    Netbeans working fine with jvi.
    Now I a key mapping F4 (Switch between Source/Header, same as in QtCreator).
    After adding this keymap jvi was not working any more BUT after a couple of times swithing
    off/on jvi it was working again.
    So this is not exact the situation as mentioned before but I attach messages.log may be
    you can discover something.

  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2014-08-18

    Now I a key mapping F4 ... After adding this keymap jvi was not working any more

    What exactly do you mean by this? What do you do to "add this keymap"?

    The log seems OK for jVi. The very end of the log shows swithching jVi off/on

    INFO [org.netbeans.modules.jvi.Module]: jVi PREF CHANGE TO: false
    INFO [org.netbeans.modules.jvi.Module]: jVi PREF CHANGE TO: true

    In the log it happens once, not

    a couple of times

    FYI, the older logs are xxx.1, xxx.2 in case that might be useful in the future.

    Keep an eye open for NB starting to get wierd. Then check the log and try to see what might have caused it. If you can come up with a repeatable case, then you can turn on some jVi debug info and maybe there would be a clue from that.

  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2014-09-01

    Closing. Seems due to some other plugin interactions and/or their bad saved state.

  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2014-09-01
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2014-12-24
    • status: closed-works-for-me --> open-works-for-me
  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2014-12-24

    Do you have a reproducible way to create the problem?

    Look at the last post in the bug. In particular, when it gets broken, exit NB and save the log and try to pinpoint in the log when it gets broken. Look at it for anything peculiar.

    One thing that can be turned on is
    Menu>Tools>Options>jviConfig>Debug>DebugKeyStrokes --> INFO
    and it will print something for every keystroke that jVi sees. When it gets broken I'm guessing that the keys are not being delivered to NB.

    So you say the problem happens when you go from c++ to php. Not the other way around?

  • Teun

    Teun - 2014-12-24

    Hello Ernie,
    I don't know exactly when the problem happens, since I was not focussed on it. I accepted the problem, reset netbeans cache etc., added my personal settings and go on again.

    What I also one time encountered that the ':' was not working e.g. save file ':w', the entry where to give vi commands did not show up.

    Ok I wrote and made a detailed scenario, what I do after a fresh install / reset of netbeans, and now the problem is showing up direct after my actions Here below follows the scenario:

    • reset netbeans
      rm -rf ~/.netbeans/$nbversion/
      rm -rf ~/.cache/netbeans/
      /usr/local/netbeans-${nbversion}/bin/netbeans &

    • netbeans->Tools->Options>Appearance
      snap floating windows off
      nimbus look and feel, max usage of native look and feel

    • activate C/C++ and PHP plugins.

    • install downloaded plugins
      restart IDE
      Check for updates, install, restart.

    • set editor formatting, Tools->Options->Formatting

      • All languages: Expand tab to spaces indent 4, tab size 4, right margin 110
      • C, C++, C/C++ header,
        • style ANSI,
        • disable Override Global Options, Other spaces, disable after typecast.
      • PHP
        • Alignment, check else.., while, finally, after modifiers, catch
        • braces all, New Line
    • Tools->Options->Fonts & Colors, Syntax

      • Default, Font, Dejavu Sans Mono, Bold, 12
      • Comment, Font, inherit, foreground Blue, back ground custom, 204,255,255
      • String, Font, inherit, foerground, Magenta
    • Tools->Options->Keymap

      • Netbeans, Go to Symbol, alternative F3
      • Netbeans, Go to File, alternative F5
      • Netbeans, Go to Header/Source, alternative F4
      • Netbeans, Format, alternative Ctrl+EQUALS
      • Netbeans, Navigator, alternative F12
    • Now open a C++ Project

      • in the group tabs, a Naviator tab is showing up.
      • drag this navigator tab to the Projects, etc ... group

      • move the group to the right of the IDE.

    • install the jvi plugin 1.5.3, restart IDE

    • set jvi options
      • Platform, uncheck auto popup, completion auto popup
      • General, check number, split below and right
      • Buffer modifications, check expand tab,
        shiftwidth, 8
        sts, 4
        ts, 4
        tw, 110
    ###### NOW JVI IS NOT WORKING ##################

    Set all de jvi debug levels to ALL. Type ESC
    than type char 'a', jvi does not go into insert mode, but char 'a'is printed on my screeen.
    I attached all the logs in var.tgz file.

  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2014-12-24

    Did you toggle the jVi Enable flag in Menu>Tools>Options? There's some evidence of that in the log, but I don't see that mentioned in the scenario. If you did that, did it work before you did it.

    The scenario indicates that jVi never worked after it was installed. Setting options for jVi is unlikely to break it. After "install the jVi plugin" and before setting any options, does jVi work?

    When jVi is not working. What happens if you open a new file, does jVi work in that file?

  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2022-11-16
    • status: open-works-for-me --> closed-works-for-me
  • Ernie Rael

    Ernie Rael - 2022-11-16

    Can't reproduce. No comments several years. closing.


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