
Daily zips are running again

You can now get the latest development version of JVCL3 from our daily zips in

This service is provided mainly for those that are unable or unwilling to set up a CVS client.

There are two sets of zips: one with the entire JVCL in it (this includes archived content, images, examples, devtools) and one with the sources only (files, packages, resource files).

The zips are created nigthly, are kept for one week and then replaced by new versions.

The newest zip always contains the string "Latest", others are named by the date when they were created.

Note that by providing these zip files, we do not imply that the content is usable for production use or even compilable. To download and use an "official" version, see the download page instead.

Note that the latest released version of JVCL is 2.10 and the daily zips contains the 3.0 version. These are not generally compatible, so if you want to upgrade to JVCL3, please download the full package and read the included readme, install and migration guides before replacing your existing JVCL.

Posted by Peter Törnqvist 2003-09-18

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