
A little more information

  • Snown

    Snown - 2007-03-27

    what exactly is this going to do? Is it an iTunes replacement? is it only music?


    • prestissimo1

      prestissimo1 - 2007-03-31

      It is not going to be an Itunes replacement.  At least not directly.  Rather we envision this project to allow users to discover, select, and listen to their music without having to manually select which music they want to listen to. For those with large music collections the selection and synchronization between players and between computers is the most tedious part. We want to provide is the same functionality a personal DJ or personal music connoisseur who recommends and generates playlists automatically based on your tastes and general criteria. 

      Why?  Well what we have found is that people end up listening to the same music on their players or computers because:  (1) No application provides an intuitive and effective way for browsing large (very large) collections (2) Users do not necessarily know the artists/tracks they like (without spending time to browse and preview the songs, see 1)  (3) Synchronizing between portable players and multiple computers is TEDIOUS.  Therefore we are planning to use some new ways to visualize and browse large collections of music as well as provide a selection/recommendation system to automatically generate playlists/maintain portable devices based on new metrics that are different than the typical classifications (i.e: genre, artist, popularity, etc). 

      Hope that helps.  We are currently in the planning stages with some early development.  It should pick up real soon though.


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