
#55 Registration problems again


No matter what I do, I keep on getting this annoying registration request:
- I registered (even gave my e-mail)
- I pressed "Later"
- I pressed "Never"
It still gets back to me. Shouldn't be hard to fix, I guess :)
Java TreeView 1.1.3, Win XP SP2


  • Alok Saldanha

    Alok Saldanha - 2009-08-26

    I was unable to replicate this problem on Mac OS X. My best guess is that it is trying to store settings in a location for which it does not have write permissions. On windows, which seems to have this problem, it stores in System.getProperty("user.home")\jtview.xml... perhaps with some JVMs user.home is not set? Which java version are you using? You can usually get the java version by typing "java -version" on the command line. Sometimes reinstalling java from Sun fixes the problem .

  • taconsta

    taconsta - 2009-08-31

    If System.getProperty("user.home") maps to C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Alex (where Alex is my login), then I find there no jtview.xml. This might be an explanation as to why I don't have a "Recent files" list in JTView either.

    Output from java -version
    java version "1.6.0_03"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_03-b05)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0_03-b05, mixed mode)

    I am a bit reluctant to reinstall Java, as I have other Java apps and I am afraid not to break something else then. Maybe I just could set up the right environment?


  • Alok Saldanha

    Alok Saldanha - 2009-09-08

    If you get a chance, please download the newest version and give it a shot. I tried to make it more aggressive with saving settings, and there is a new Help->Global Prefs Info menuitem that may help diagnose the problem.

  • taconsta

    taconsta - 2009-09-08

    Thanks for feedback. It seems that either my system is very reluctant, or aggressive is not aggressive enough. Still same behaviour.
    Global Prefs states that the file should be in
    C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Alex\jtview.xml
    There's no file by that name. I created it myself and it still stays at 0 bytes after relaunching JTV a few times.

  • Alok Saldanha

    Alok Saldanha - 2009-09-08

    Do you get any output if you run java treeview from the command line? There is a minimal description of how to do this here:

    Thanks for bearing with me!

  • taconsta

    taconsta - 2009-09-08

    Yes, I get, but nothing strange:
    C:\Kits\Bio\chip_analysis\TreeView-1.1.4-bin>java -jar TreeView.jar
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4-bin/plugins/Dendrogram.jar!/
    Registering Plugin Dendrogram
    Registering Plugin Alignment
    Registering Plugin KnnDendrogram
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4-bin/plugins/Karyoscope.jar!/
    Registering Plugin Karyoscope
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4-bin/plugins/Scatterplot.jar!/
    Registering Plugin Scatterplot
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4-bin/plugins/Treeanno.jar!/
    Registering Plugin ArrayTreeAnno
    Registering Plugin GeneTreeAnno

  • Alok Saldanha

    Alok Saldanha - 2009-09-09

    I just put up release 1.1.4r2, which has a button in the"help -> global config info..." dialog that modifies the global config and tries to save it. This code should report any exceptions that are raised in a textbox, please post the output when you get a chance.

  • taconsta

    taconsta - 2009-09-09

    Ok, here is the output. What I did: start the program, hit "Later" at registration prompt, went to Global Prefs and hit "Test it!" and quit the program.
    C:\Kits\Bio\chip_analysis\TreeView-1.1.4r2-win>java -jar -Xmx500m TreeView.jar
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4r2-win/plugins/Dendrogram.jar!/
    Registering Plugin Dendrogram
    Registering Plugin Alignment
    Registering Plugin KnnDendrogram
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4r2-win/plugins/Karyoscope.jar!/
    Registering Plugin Karyoscope
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4r2-win/plugins/Scatterplot.jar!/
    Registering Plugin Scatterplot
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4r2-win/plugins/Treeanno.jar!/
    Registering Plugin ArrayTreeAnno
    Registering Plugin GeneTreeAnno
    Not printing config to file, config is unchanged.
    Before false
    After true
    Not printing config to file, config is unchanged.
    Before true
    After false
    Not printing config to file, config is unchanged.

  • Alok Saldanha

    Alok Saldanha - 2009-09-09

    this should (finally!) be fixed as of 1.1.4r3, please confirm.

  • taconsta

    taconsta - 2009-09-09

    Looks like a toughter nut...

    C:\Kits\Bio\chip_analysis\TreeView-1.1.4r3-win>java -jar -Xmx500m TreeView.jar
    created xml config from file
    Warning: root is null, creating dummy config node
    Warning: root is null, creating dummy config node
    Warning: root is null, creating dummy config node
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4r3-win/plugins/Dendrogram.jar!/
    Registering Plugin Dendrogram
    Registering Plugin Alignment
    Registering Plugin KnnDendrogram
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4r3-win/plugins/Karyoscope.jar!/
    Registering Plugin Karyoscope
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4r3-win/plugins/Scatterplot.jar!/
    Registering Plugin Scatterplot
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4r3-win/plugins/Treeanno.jar!/
    Registering Plugin ArrayTreeAnno
    Registering Plugin GeneTreeAnno
    Warning: root is null, creating dummy config node
    Warning: root is null, creating dummy config node
    Not printing config to file, config is unchanged.
    Warning: root is null, creating dummy config node
    Before false
    After true
    Warning: root is null, creating dummy config node
    Warning: root is null, creating dummy config node
    Not printing config to file, config is unchanged.
    Before true
    After false
    Not printing config to file, config is unchanged.

  • Alok Saldanha

    Alok Saldanha - 2009-09-10

    That error could be caused by having an empty config file. Delete C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Alex\jtview.xml and try again. I'll add a check for null config files for the next version, but it's not critical enough for me to push another release right now.

  • taconsta

    taconsta - 2009-09-10

    C:\Kits\Bio\chip_analysis\TreeView-1.1.4r3-win>java -jar -Xmx500m TreeView.jar
    File not found, will try from URL
    Making new configuration file C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Alex\jtview.xml
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4r3-win/plugins/Dendrogram.jar!/
    Registering Plugin Dendrogram
    Registering Plugin Alignment
    Registering Plugin KnnDendrogram
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4r3-win/plugins/Karyoscope.jar!/
    Registering Plugin Karyoscope
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4r3-win/plugins/Scatterplot.jar!/
    Registering Plugin Scatterplot
    Plugin Jar jar:file:/C:/Kits/Bio/chip_analysis/TreeView-1.1.4r3-win/plugins/Treeanno.jar!/
    Registering Plugin ArrayTreeAnno
    Registering Plugin GeneTreeAnno
    Successfully stored config file C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Alex\jtview.xml
    Before false
    After true
    Successfully stored config file C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Alex\jtview.xml
    Before true
    After false
    Not printing config to file, config is unchanged.

    After quite a few trials, finally solved. Who said "shouldn't be hard to fix"??
    Thanks for the patience!

  • taconsta

    taconsta - 2009-09-10

    If you consider, you (as programmer) should close the incident. For me, it seems to work, storing also the recent files and remembering the registration status.

  • taconsta

    taconsta - 2009-09-10
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Alok Saldanha

    Alok Saldanha - 2009-09-10

    Glad to hear it. I generally don't close issues until I'm sure they're resolved. You never know what can go wrong; in this case, we resolved your first issue which had to do with error cases involving invalid urls (at some point I decided it was a good idea to try opening as a url if the file open fails). But that revealed a second issue caused by your empty file, which is that on a null file I expected my XML parsing library to throw an XMLException as valid XML documents must have a root node according to the spec. Instead, it returns null, which I have coincidentally been using to indicate the lack of a place to store global configuration.

  • Alok Saldanha

    Alok Saldanha - 2009-09-10
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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