
JTorrent / News: Recent posts


The code is well into refactoring, and lots of progress is being made. If you're developing code, please merge in the main branch changes once a week or so, that's about how often we're merging in our refactored branches.

Posted by Dave Blau 2003-05-06

CVS is now ready for checkout

Download to your heart's content. The module name is simply jtorrent.

Posted by Dave Blau 2003-04-16

CVS is almost ready

We have to get the site admins to remove a spurrious directory but it should be ready by tommorrow. You can browse it right now though. Ignore the jtorrent sub-directory. Enjoy

Posted by Hunter Payne 2003-04-15

CVS coming soon

I'm going to be working on doing a CVS merge from all of the developers. This merge should be completed this weekend. By Sunday night there should be code available for checkout.

Posted by Dave Blau 2003-04-11

Open for business

JTorrent is now open for business!

Posted by Dave Blau 2003-04-07