
#13 Conduitlist cleans after Quitting



I think this is a bug of jsyncManager.
When starting the tool I can set up new conduits, after
shutting down and restarting it
the conduit is in the list, everythink is ok.
But when stopping jSyncManager with Strg-C in the
console the conduit-list is empty after restart.
I know quitting with strg-c isn't the fine way, but it
shouldn't clean the conduit-list I think.

This behavior is very disturbing when programming new



  • David Bartmess

    David Bartmess - 2004-04-06
    • labels: 461545 --> Other Bugs/Issues
    • assigned_to: nobody --> dingodave
    • status: open --> closed
  • David Bartmess

    David Bartmess - 2004-04-06

    Logged In: YES

    I'm assuming you mean Ctrl-C by strg-C? Aborting the program?

    If so, this isn't so much of a bug as it is an enhancement
    request, because we don't currently intercept aborts from
    the console to be able to save the settings before it quits.

    Personally, I'd rather not see a program save settings from
    an aborted session, because it may overwrite good settings
    with corrupted ones.

    If you're doing development, that's one of the problems you
    just have to deal with. If not, then the normal (i.e.,
    somewhat standard)
    way of dealing with this is as it is, just dump the settings
    in the bitbucket and return to the previous settings. If the
    previous settings are erased also, then this is a problem,
    but I haven't been able to reproduce that sequence of events.

    I'm marking this as closed because it could be a bad idea to
    save possibly bad data as the settings for a future session.

  • David Bartmess

    David Bartmess - 2004-04-07
    • status: closed --> open
  • David Bartmess

    David Bartmess - 2004-04-07

    Logged In: YES

    With clarification from user below, this should not happen
    if the jsyncmanager has already saved settings. Settings
    should be maintained from session to session, and if the
    session is aborted, the previous settings should be in
    effect upon re-opening jsyncmanager.

    Two examples:

    a) opening JSynchmanager
    adding a new conduit
    conduit crashes (oder str-c is pressed)
    after restarting jsyncmanager, this conduit isn't in the list

    => correct, jsynchmanager must not write the configurationfile

    b) opening JSynchmanager
    adding a new conduit
    closing jsynchmanager

    => conduit is saved in the configurationfile

    restarting jsynchmanager
    conduit is still in the list
    resynch stats
    conduit crashes (oder str-c is pressed)
    after restarting jsyncmanager, this conduit isn't in the list

    => correct?!

    I think this is the bug, becaus in this case jsynchmanager
    HAS rewritten the configurationfile

  • Brad BARCLAY

    Brad BARCLAY - 2004-05-06

    Logged In: YES

    Just as an addendum to the original problem, if you're doing
    development and testing, you may want to think of scripting
    the startup to do a few things:

    - Clean out the old jSyncManager settings in .jsyncmanager
    - Run the jSyncManager with the --inst-conduits option and a
    list of your jConduit classes to install them
    - Run the jSyncManager

    This is a good way of doing jConduit testing during
    development, as it ensures that problematic settings (or
    settings from old versions) aren't being stored, and that
    the jConduits you want to test are always setup (the whole
    purpose of --inst-conduits is to allow installers and
    scripts to do just this).

    One thing to note is that if you're changing your jConduit
    between invocations, it may not appear to be installed after
    restart as its serialization ID may have changed. If this
    ocurs, the jSyncManager will get an exception form the
    Vector during deserialization, causing all jConduits to be
    lost (a problem we need to work on). In order to prevent
    this, you should setup a private static final long called
    serialVersionUID, with a fixed numerical value. In this way
    you can ensure that your serialization ID doesn't change
    after a recompile if you add new methods and/or transient
    fields (although you probably _should_ change it if you add
    new non-transient fields, as this changes the way the data
    is serialized/deserialized).

    I hope this helps!

    Brad BARCLAY


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