
version released

The version has been released!
New: deb- and rpm-packages. (some of them require SWT-stuff from\)

* FIXED: WiX win32 installer: RemoveExistingProducts now before InstallInitialize: this enables simple installations of java/native-build
* IMPROVED: Launcher / Server (native runs quite well - java-build still slow but working)
* FIXED: debug-build in ant buildfiles
* FIXED: ERROR if filesize changes during hashcalculation
* FIXED: HashFile:: ERROR output and TableRowMark
* FIXED: ClearTable
* FIXED: CheckFile relativePath (should be better)
* FIXED: XHashFile-HashThread: percent-update fixed
* FIXED: positioning of popupwindows
* FIXED: win32: wix-installer different GUIDs for common files
* FIXED: win32: Launcher: now uses bat-files (avoid japprun problems)
* DONE: X/XS now visible in AppName
* DONE: launcher and server: divided into 2 apps: this reduced the size of the launcher about 60%
* DONE: minimalized usage of SWT for native apps: reduced the size of GUI about 30%
* FIXED: Registry for checkfiles! now sha1 and sha256 checkfiles work!
* FIXED: JSummer Version in JAppRun visible
* size of MD5 icon fixed

Posted by Klaus Zerwes 2006-03-08

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