
#56 Further Integration With Yahoo Server

engine (19)

Message From User

Hi Yan Cheng Cheok,

came across Jstock thru google search for "yahoo quotes for charts"...must say basic idea is good. being an active trader myself... i wud like to suggest a few things, if u incorporate them in tha application, though i dont wanna sound prudish, but on terms of practicality...i suggest as follows :-
1. can the yahoo charts be linked to symbols from within appz to open inplace of the charts that currently open up? if yes...can there b a field where v define the value to customise the charts for example^NSEI&t=1d&l=on&z=l&q=c&p=e13,e34,e233,m200&a=ss,m13-6-5&c=
as u can c on the chart....values have been customised.

2. On yahoo finance site, v can login n create a "portfolio" wherein v can add the tickers of our choice irrespective of xchanges can the same thing b used within the Jstock? i mean if someone was to use jstock there wud b a small window linking yahoo id login & then watever symbols were already added to that IDs portfolio on yahoo finance site...those symbols wud load up on jstock automatically (or via a button press)

3. for login of yahoo id,the chat feature can b tweaked to login to yahoo finance as well as yahoo msngr for chats....

4. intraday quotes can b written to csv/ascii format n linked to metastock/amibroker/fibotrader etc as RealTime data feed??

these r just some of suggestions that r based on practicality of usage. hope i was on right track.

best of luck for ur efforts...

yahoo msngr id = da_last_mile
