mkp raja - 2009-06-23

We have converted the univariate observations to time series objects using "ts" function of R.The output from ts method is passed to stl function. The following exception is thrown by JstatCom during stl execution

Passing ouput from ts as array to stl function
Error in stl(arg_0, arg_1) : only univariate series are allowed
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not evaluate R expression: stl(arg_0, arg_1)
      at Source)
      at TestR.separateSeasonalData(
      at TestR.main(

Passing ouput from ts as map to stl function
Error in stl(arg_0, arg_1) :
  series is not periodic or has less than two periods
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not evaluate R expression: stl(arg_0, arg_1)
      at Source)
      at TestR.separateSeasonalData(
      at TestR.main(

The output we got from TS function call does not have period or frequncy information, which is mandatory for stl function.

Please suggest us how to over come this issue.