
jStarDict/jStarDictM/jStarDict-BB 0.5.0 released.

jStarDict/jStarDictM/jStarDict-BB 0.5.0 released.

Changes for the mobile version jStarDictM/jStarDictBB:
1. The new improved explaination control. In the new control, you can pick up a dict and click a key to seach for it. You can use the navigater key in your phone. Or use the number key 0 to 9 to navigator and search a word. The OK button or the 5 key is used to first the search. number 2,4,6,8 are as up,left,right and down if you don't have the navigator keys in your phone. 1,3,7,9 are sued to decrease or increase the selected area. 0 is used to move to begin or end of the explain. If you are not at the first line then 0 goto the first line, otherwise it will bring you to the last line. You can also use your point pen if your phone support. You can click the right side of the explain to scroll it. You will find a simple scroll bar at the right of the screen.
2. Add a special char inputer. Select the search box then you will find a command in the menu. It use the same control used to show the explaination.
3. Add a history list. It will show all the searched words in current session.
4. You can manager the order of the dicts now.
5. Add more settings.

Changes for the desktop version jStarDict:
1. Now it's near to usable. You can use it on your desktop. But it still miss some feature like screen word pickup.
2. The dict manager feature is usable now. You can add or delete a dict without need to use files your select. What you need is to download a dict, it can be a tar.gz , tar.bz2 or file. You just need to browse the downloaded file, the dict manager will uncompress and try to recognize your dicts. You can also choose to copy the dict to the folders for all users or just for current users. The folder for all users is <install dir>/dict. The folder for current user for windows users are <user home>\Application Data\TeeDict\Dict or <user home>/.teedict/dict for linux users.
3. Add a dict export function. You can use this to prepare the dicts for used in your phone. It can copy all your dicts to a folder and split the large files in it. You can also package the dicts to the jStarDictM.jar for those phones which you can't transfer files to it or you can't make it work.

And thanks goes to lzknews,chhzhoushu,xmilder and wxc to test and provide veru helpfull suggestions.
Wind Li

Posted by Yong Wind Li 2007-09-02

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