
Jspresso Java RIA Framework 3.0.0

The Jspresso team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the Jspresso Java RIA framework 3.0.0 release.

Among many improvements, one of the major features of this release is the native support of Adobe's Flex as a deployment option. All Jspresso-based applications will instantly run on the Flash plugin without a single, hand-written, line of MXML or ActionScript in their code base. Nor is there any GUI code generation involved. Jspresso relies on a generic Flex client engine that dialogs with the Jspresso Java backend through Adobe's BlazeDS using a generic set of GUI commands. This approach relieves the developer from the DTO pain you usually find in this type of applications while still leveraging the style and power of a Flex client-side and keeping the development server-centric.

Last but not least, Jspresso applications, bootstrapped by a Maven archetype, build entirely in Maven and can be directly imported in Eclipse with full WTP support. The server stack remains unchanged (servlet / Spring / Hibernate) and all the previous frontend technologies remain fully supported.

Posted by Vincent Vandenschrick 2009-04-04

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