
fixed point / floating point ?

  • SimonWong

    SimonWong - 2006-04-18

    I saw a fixed point version of speex in other newsgroup. Is jspeex  run in floating point or fixed point ?

    I am writing a sound(mic)  recording software for my PDA so I want to use fixed point version.

    • Marc Gimpel

      Marc Gimpel - 2006-04-18

      JSpeex is floating point. If you want to use Speex on a PDA, then I would suggest using a native encoder, for optimal performance.

    • SimonWong

      SimonWong - 2006-04-18

      Thanks Marc. Do you think it is feasible to write in JNI ? I just learn JAVA about 6 months and knows nothing about VC++ (or eVC++ for PDA).

      • Marc Gimpel

        Marc Gimpel - 2006-04-18


        I know that someone called Boyd Ebsworthy <> wrote Java bindings to the C-based libspeex quite a while ago (it was originally also called JSpeex, and I think it predated my project but I only found out about it afterwards).

        It's mentionned on the website, although the link appears broken. I have no idea if it still exists, but it certainly proves that you can use JNI to encode/decode Speex.

        Good luck



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