
Json-lib 0.9 Released

Dear Open Source Community,
I'm pleased to announce that json-lib version 0.9 has been released.

JSON-lib is a java library for transforming beans, maps and XML to JSON and back again to beans and DynaBeans. It is based on the work by Douglas Crockford in


+ Added FAQ and "Who is using it" sections.
+ Added new JSONSerializer utility class.
+ Added new interface JSON to identify a valid JSON type (JSONObject, JSONArray, JSONNull).
+ Added support for JSONString in builders and value setters. FR 1557286.

+ Removed JSONObject.append() as it was very similar to JSONObject.accumulate()
+ JSONObject and JSONarray will convert Byte/Short/Long to Integer, Float to Double when needed.
+ JSONArray.fromObject now allows creation of a single element array (all valid types).
+ Cleaned up the core API, moved mixed purpouse classes to net.sf.json.util
+ Updated front page and howto documentation.

1564992 Multiple nested JSONException.
1553617 JSONObject.toBean() generates a ClassCastException.

Posted by aalmiray 2006-10-12

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