
Modulo symbol is not dispalying in IE

Sridhar A
  • Sridhar A

    Sridhar A - 2009-09-10

    We are using jsmath3.4f , modulo sysmbol is not displaying properly in internet explorer 6.0 ,7.0 8 . In mozilla firefox it  is displaying properly.

    For ex:   \bracevert \, p-0.1 \bracevert =x
    expected result :    |p-0.1| = x  
    But it is showing abnormally.
    Even we tried with jsmath3.6c latest version.

    • Davide P. Cervone

      I am not able to reproduce your results.  The equation you provide displays properly for me in IE7.  Do you have the jsMath-fonts installed on the client computer, or are you viewing in the image fallback mode?  (Use the jsMath button in the lower right-hand corner to open the jsMath Control Panel, and look at the font mode that is displayed next to the version number.)

      Try entering the equation in the jsMath interactive lab at

      and see if it works for you there.

      It is possible that the CSS used on your site is interfering with the jsMath rendering.  If possible, can you comment out any stylesheets used in your site (for a test) and see if it renders correctly without them?

      Finally, if you send me a URL for a page that shows the problem, I'll take a look and see what I can figure out.



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