
status 12/05

  • prohtex

    prohtex - 2005-12-01

    hey folks whats the status of this project for 12/05?? looks like not much work done in awhile?

    this is the only in-browser sourcecode editor i've been able to find thats not part of a bogus wysisyg interface.

    the demo is promising but buggy.. where is it going?

    file browsers are a dime a dozen... is anybody going to fix the bugs in the editor??

    • prohtex

      prohtex - 2005-12-01

      nevermind... there's this:

    • Ondrej Fischer

      Ondrej Fischer - 2006-04-28

      Well, yes. It looks like developers (including me) don't have time for this editor. I moved to a completely new project, and since I registered it as my diploma's work on my faculty, it's promising to be finished, or at least usable ;)

      It's in very alpha stage with focus on incremental lexical analysis, but you can check it out here:


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