
Kevin O'Dwyer
There is a newer version of this page. You can find it here.

JsDOSBox is a JavaScript port of jDosbox. It is capable of running dos programs from the early 90's. Currently in alpha and missing emulation of some key peripherals and mouse control. For a demonstration of JsDOSBox running a shareware game go to http://jsdosbox.appspot.com (chrome recommended). And running DOS demos at http://retropcdemos.appspot.com.

To see a more general x86 PC emulator which boots FreeDOS and Linux see my other project at http://sourceforge.net/projects/jspcemulator/


December 2011
- Added SoundBlaster and PC Speaker emulation. try http://retropcdemos.appspot.com

November 2011
- Completed work on the Javascript 'compiler'

October 2011
- 7Zip compression for disk images
- Improved compatibility
- Added a JavaScript 'compiler' to dynamic core
- other minor bits and pieces

September 2011
Re-baselined from a more recent jdosbox codebase.

August 2011
First upload to sourceforge

Note this program is still in alpha with limited functionality.

JsDOSBox has a hardcoded config using:
- 486 machine type with a FPU
- 8 Mb ram
- s3 video card
- sound output (disabled by default)

See README.txt in source tree for running/building instructions.