

  • jianwen lou

    jianwen lou - 2009-10-28

    ****i run the jrdesktop application using the source code,after i open the session,and then close the monitor window or exit the viewer,i got the exception like the entry title:(exactly info)java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted an**y suggestions or way to handle the exception? thanks****

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It's not a problem, you are getting this exceptions because you are interrupting threads from continuing their executions

  • jianwen lou

    jianwen lou - 2009-10-28

    **@nobody** i do not understand your answer exactely,when i exit the viewer,that continuing their excutions?hope get your furthuer help,thanks for your answer and time

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    When you exit the viewer, all the related threads were interrupted, that's why you are getting this exception, you can consider it as a warnings


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