
Feature Requests  Maximize  Restore

Showing 11 results of 11

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
43 Dialog: supports processing of response Next_Release open waal64 2012-01-04 2012-10-23  
42 Support of Filter storge/re-use Next_Release open waal64 2011-12-23 2012-10-23  
41 Support of Filter logic Next_Release open waal64 2011-12-23 2012-10-23  
40 Menu processing by client (performance, API) Next_Release open waal64 2011-12-23 2012-10-23  
39 Collapsible menu on click event instead of dynamic foldable Next_Release open waal64 2011-12-23 2012-10-23  
38 Exception message send to separate email address Next_Release open waal64 2011-12-23 2012-10-23  
37 BreadCrumb menu support Next_Release open waal64 2011-12-23 2012-10-23  
36 Mootools extension for stringToFunction conversion Next_Release open waal64 2011-12-23 2012-10-23  
35 Mootools extension for unicodeToString conversion Next_Release open waal64 2011-12-23 2012-10-23  
5 Improve the ImageShow by provision of the Feature "Video" Next_Release open waal64 2010-02-28 2012-10-23  
4 The Menu maintenance shall be improved Next_Release open waal64 2010-02-28 2012-10-23  
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