
#14 XML / text configuration file



the configuration file cannot be edited with an editor as it does not consist of plain text. Therefore, it'd be great if the configuration was saved as a normal text file or as a XML file.


  • Wolfgang Keller

    Wolfgang Keller - 2007-01-17
    • labels: --> Project Policy
    • milestone: --> Somewhen
    • assigned_to: nobody --> kse
    • summary: Configuration file as XML/plain text --> XML / text configuration file
  • Wolfgang Keller

    Wolfgang Keller - 2007-01-17

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Part of the actual preferences and memory file can be made public and used as configuration data. Another part will have to stay scrambled to prevent the casual viewing of anybody.

    It can be done, sure. If you like to give me more details on what configuration properties you found interesting or useful, it might speed a decision.

  • Wolfgang Keller

    Wolfgang Keller - 2007-01-17
    • priority: 5 --> 4
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    > It can be done, sure. If you like to give me more details on
    > what configuration properties you found interesting or useful,
    > it might speed a decision.

    Nothing special in general -- I was only wondering why the configuration file is not plain text.

    > Part of the actual preferences and memory file can be made public
    > and used as configuration data. Another part will have to stay
    > scrambled to prevent the casual viewing of anybody.

    I'm curios: Which kind of data should stay scrambled? What's the purpose of scrambling them?

  • Wolfgang Keller

    Wolfgang Keller - 2007-01-18

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    If you can specify me what exactly you want/expect to be configurable, we can continue this discussion.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    > If you can specify me what exactly you want/expect to be configurable,
    > we can continue this discussion.

    Anything that can be configured via the GUI (and that is therefore stored in the config file) + configuration options that are not accessible via the GUI (if there are any at all).



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