
Support Request

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-07

    I been using  jpws 0.6.0 RC1 for a while on a MacBook pro using Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) @2.4 Ghz with 4 Gb of RAM.
    For months jpws does great!
    But now, every time I try to open a DAT file or a backup  I receive a warning dialogue: "Operation Failure" with the message "URL forming error! java.lang.NullPointerException"

    I`ll apreciate any help. Thnx

  • Wolfgang Keller

    Wolfgang Keller - 2012-04-07

    Em, you could have opened an entry in the Support tracker.

    To your problem:
    1)  What has changed recently? For security download a fresh copy of the program file and try that.
    2) Try different Look-and-Feels.
    3) Terminate the program after error and get hold of the "jpws.log" file and post the content so I can see it. The file is in your .jpws application folder. Equivalent , you can post the content of the Java console window when running the program with it.

    Hope that helps to proceed.



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