
Yoo Hoo! Is anyone home?

  • walt ittybittybattles ohara

    2nd Try:  I've managed to upload files to actually run JProject thru a web browser.  However, the app doesn't seem to be able to load any kind of Progect file.  HOW DO I DO THIS? 

    Has this app dropped off the face of the earth?  Just curious.


    • walt ittybittybattles ohara

      I guess this is an unsupported app, then.  Oh well, too bad, so sad.  It had potential.

      • Mark Boland

        Mark Boland - 2002-11-26

        Hey, hey. Don't give up so fast. Indead we're a little slow to respond, just because we are so busy developing the next incarnation of JProgect.

        To get to your question: If you start up JProgect as an applet, many things are restricted by the browser and the Java VM. Most important: Loading and saving files from your desktop are simply forbidden for unsigned, untrusted applets. The only thing you _can_ do freely, is to download certain files from the server you downloaded the applet from. So Bill invented a mechanism to tell the applet which files are avaible for download by editing a file named ''. It located at the same level as the jar. Open it - it's almost self explaining.

    • walt ittybittybattles ohara

      Thanks for the tip!  Sorry if I sound impatient.


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