Justin - 2001-10-31

You may have noticed a lack of activity around here recently, so some info on what's going on may be of use.

Before summer the developers of JProgect received an email from Laurent Burbacher (the author of Progect) letting us know that he planned to spend the summer writing a Desktop app for Progect (to be written in Java). Just recently a beta version has emerged (for selected users) and it is due to be released in November. It is called PDesk and info can be found at http://www.alawa.ch.

An important point to note is that PDesk is not to be free - it will be commercial software. Obviously this leaves a small but important niche for JProgect as freeware.

As a (bit of a) developer of JProgect I decided to stop working on JProgect when I heard this news and wait to see what Laurent came up with. It looks fairly impressive so far, although we have yet to see the final version and discover the price of the software.

If Laurent does a good job and charges a fair price I think, sadly, that this may well be the end of JProgect since its boots will have (mostly) been filled. However, I would be pleased to be proved wrong!
