
change the differents cube

  • pf87

    pf87 - 2006-03-16

    in my schema.xml i define more that one cube, but u can only see one, i can only change the cube is i write there MDX, then i can selected dimendions of other cube.
    i ask: there is nothing grafich?something is plane about this problem?
    am i wrong something or there is other way?

    • Julian Hyde

      Julian Hyde - 2006-03-18

      Make sure that the XML elements are in the right order in your schema.xml. All the <Cube> elements must be contiguous. If you put a <Cube> after a <Role> say, the XML parser will not see the <Cube>.

      There is an Eclipse plugin for building mondrian schemas, available from the jpivot site.

    • pf87

      pf87 - 2006-04-04

      sorry, i explan the question better.
      So when u start jpivor with mondrian, u get immidiatly a mdx results by jpivot. When i design more cubes in the myschema.xml i can change the cube
      only if i ask to server by MDX 'different' query for a different cube, but there is not a grafic modality that show and allow to choose the cubes designed in myschema.xml.
      What i think it will be great is a simple grafic icon that
      permit to choose a different cube.
      nobody can know how many cubes are disponible.


      • Julian Hyde

        Julian Hyde - 2006-05-05

        You're right it's a great idea. Please contribute it...

    • pf87

      pf87 - 2006-05-03

      nobody there?


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