
jpathwatch / News: Recent posts

Upcoming release

A lot has happened since the last post.

First of all the API changed: jfilewatch is now source-compatible to the WatchService API that Sun provides in JDK7 and later. In the light of JDK7 beeing released soon, this makes jfilewatch a good option for projects that are running on an earlier JDK version but are planning to migrate to JDK7 eventually. For these, jfilewatch presents an easy way to use the jfilewatch's WatchService now and migrate to JDK7's WatchService with minimal effort, if desired (jfilewatch will also work with JDK7, so there is no need to migrate).... read more

Posted by Uwe Pachler 2010-01-14

Working native library

I'm happy to announce the jfilewatch's native win32 library component seems to be up and running now.

More thorough testing should certainly follow, but the native library seems to working fine. We're definitely heading towards an alpha release pretty soon.

Posted by Uwe Pachler 2008-11-23