
JPatch open source patch modeler / News: Recent posts

JPatch 0.4 PREVIEW 1 released

I've released a preview version of JPatch 0.4
JPatch is a spline based 3D modeler (patch modeler) written in Java.
New features include support for morph targets and limited animation capabilities.
For more information please visit

Posted by Sascha Ledinsky 2005-05-24

JPatch 0.3 released

I've just released a new version of JPatch (0.3), a spline based 3D modeler written in Java.

Posted by Sascha Ledinsky 2004-10-04

JPatch 0.3 beta 1 released

I've just released a new version of my 3D modeler, JPatch.

JPatch is a spline based 3D modeling tool. It allows to create 3D models which
can be rendered with POV-Ray or RenderMan compatible renderers (e.g. Aqsis).

It is free software (open source); you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

JPatch is work in progress. The current version supports modeling only, but I'm
working on character animation features for future releases.... read more

Posted by Sascha Ledinsky 2004-06-15

New forum

A new phpBB powered forum is available here:

Posted by Sascha Ledinsky 2004-05-26

Status report

Today one year has passed since I released the first version of JPatch.

I'd like to use this day to thank you for your interest in JPatch and give a brief status report concerning the next release:

The upcoming version (0.3) is a complete rewrite of JPatch. I decided to rewrite the code mainly because it were my first steps with object oriented programming and thus had some
fundamental design flaws. These flaws made it hard to debug and hard to extend.... read more

Posted by Sascha Ledinsky 2004-02-04

JPatch 0.2.1 released

This update fixes a critical bug and introduces a plugin system.

Posted by Sascha Ledinsky 2003-06-05

Version 0.2 pre-alpha released

Today we have made availible a new pre-alpha version (0.2) of
our 3D Modeler "JPatch". It can be downloaded from

JPatch is an sPatch like modeler and can export to RIB (RenderMan)
and POV-Ray.


* Java Runtime Environment Version 1.4 or later
* Optional: Java3D Version 1.2 or later (for the
Java3D preview)

Supported Platforms:
====================... read more

Posted by Sascha Ledinsky 2003-04-25

nightly builds available

It will take some time until we release a new version. If you can't wait :) you can download the nightly builds (checked out of the CVS and compiled daily at 0:00 UCT). They include bug-fixes and new features, but maybe also introduce new bugs - it's also possible that they don't run at all...

Posted by Sascha Ledinsky 2003-02-24