
JButton, JTabbedPane and icon improvements

Since the previous blogpost, quite a lot has happened in our Git repository :-)

Button background colour

Oxygen has a nice trick to improve the appearance of buttons when they are placed on the background gradient of the window: the background colour varies slightly with the gradient colour. That means that the higher buttons are placed, the lighter their background is painted. This improves the look of the buttons.
Now for the news: Joxy does this now, too (commit [646344]).

JTabbedPane improvements

JTabbedPanes in Joxy are a bit clumsy to implement, since Java's look-and-feel implementation for tabbed panes is quite large and difficult to understand. But we made several improvements to closer match the Oxygen style:

  • Small improvements in the positioning and size of tabs (commit [3850e1]).
  • Hover (glow) effect for tabs (commit [85ac2b]).
  • Ignoring the tabPlacement attribute. If an application wants tabs on the left, right or bottom size of the tabbed pane, we just ignore that and paint them on top. The reason for that is that we don't support the other variants, and they look ugly (commit [4e3c46]).

Icon effects

Joxy now implements the hover and disabled states of icons. For example, when a button gets disabled, its icon in Oxygen gets a bit grey too, and when you hover a toolbar button, its icon becomes a little bit lighter (commit [a48bbd]).
KDE however provides a large amount of configuration for this, and Joxy doesn't read this configuration yet. So if you configured these values, Joxy will ignore you :-) But we plan to implement this in the future.


Finally, quite some bugs were fixed, most notably bug [#11]/[#14], which means that Netbeans users can finally read their code again comfortably (the background of the code editor used to be grey instead of white).

Next release

We implemented such a lot of changes, that we are considering naming the next release 0.2.0 immediately.


Commit: [a48bbd]
Bugs: #11
Bugs: #14
Commit: [3850e1]
Commit: [4e3c46]
Commit: [646344]
Commit: [85ac2b]

Posted by Willem3141 2013-03-24

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