
async io

  • satheesh

    satheesh - 2007-01-20

    Are you guys using the new IO or asynchronous io of the
    new jdk platform ? Are you guys going to plan for such a
    release in the near future. Also, are the libraries
    support multi user environment ? or is it like a thread
    per connection model ?

    Thanks in advance

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      joscar currently uses old stuff for the main connection (NIO is used for other connections however), with a few threads per connection. This would not be hard to change, as the IO code is mainly at a low level, but it's something we probably won't do in the next 6 months.

      • satheesh

        satheesh - 2007-01-21

        So, at this point of time, it would nt be efficient to use this library for a multi user environment as I would guess, the library would spawn multiple threads for each connection.

        • Keith Lea

          Keith Lea - 2007-01-22

          I think the use of threads might become a bottleneck, but I don't know what kind of limits this would impose - maybe 100 users, 1000 users, 10,000 users.


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