
Journalness / News: Recent posts

Journalness Facebook Page

We have created a Journalness facebook page:

Posted by Drew 2008-11-04

Journalness 4.1.1 released

After a year of no activity we finally released an update that fixes a bug that was found at the beginning of this year. No new features were added. Just the bug fix.

Posted by Drew 2008-10-24

Journalness 4.1 Released

I know, it's been at least 5 months since the last release, but here it is! Version 4.1. There are some critical security updates in this release and also some fine tuning was taken care of. If there is anything you find wrong or just something new you would like to see let us know. Enjoy!

Posted by Drew 2007-10-29

Journalness 4.0.2 Released

A new version (4.0.2) of Journalness has been released today which includes an RSS/Atom Feed implementation and an update to the Smarty template system for security fixes.

Posted by Todd 2007-05-16

Journalness 4.0.1 Released

A new version (4.0.1) of Journalness has been released today that addresses a bug found which caused inoperability in some versions of PHP 5. This version also updates ADODB lite to the newest version. You can read the changelog for all the details. Thank you.

Posted by Todd 2006-09-25

Journalness 4.0 Released!

Journalness 4.0 has officially been released and contains many bug fixes, security enhancements and tons of new features (See Changelog). It is highly suggested that you upgrade if you are running an older version of Journalness. If you are running an older version please download "Journalness_3.5.x_to_4.0-Upgrade" because it contains the modified installer made to upgrade older versions. If you are new to journalness or would like a full install please download "Journalness_4.0-Full_Install".... read more

Posted by Todd 2006-09-05

Journalness Update: Coming Soon!

It's been a long time since there has been any kind of update on this project at all. I've had some free time recently and I decided it was time for another update. I've started from scratch and rewritten all of the code for the entire project and made many substantial changes. I hope to have the full version of Journalness 4.0 out in the next week or so with an Updater available shortly after for those of you with current installations.... read more

Posted by Todd 2006-08-09

Journalness v3.5.4 Released

Version 3.5.4 of Journalness has been released. It fixes a few inconsistencies in the templates and language files.

Posted by Drew 2005-05-05

Finally fixed the age bug! v3.5.3

Version 3.5.3 of Journalness has been released and it finally takes care of that annoying age bug! Enjoy!

Posted by Drew 2005-04-23

Journalness 3.5.2 is out!

We have released a new journalness with a couple of fixes for some very pesky bugs in the previous version. Enjoy!

Posted by Drew 2005-03-01

Bug fix released for Journalness 3.5.0

A bug was found in Journalness v3.5.0 and a patch for v3.5.0 has been released.

Posted by Drew 2005-01-11

Final Release of Journalness! New v3.5.0!

Journalness 3.5.0 has finally been released. This will most likely be the last full release of the Journalness package.

This new version allows for themeing and also comes with a Spanish language pack. It comes with about 10 themes, one of which is there for the user to customize.

Posted by Drew 2005-01-03

Journalness 3.4.3 Released!!

Just in time for the Holidays!!

We added a couple sweet new features and fixed a bunch of bugs. Check this version of journalness out!
View the ChangeLog:

Look for a new version of Journalness in the next couple weeks with some new CSS goodies and perhaps some themes!


Posted by Drew 2004-12-21

Working on new release of Journalness

We are currently working on a new release which will have more capabilities for customization of design as well as a few new features and bug fixes. Check out the current beta demo at

Also, see what sorts of color scheming we are working towards at

Posted by Drew 2004-12-21

Journalness 3.4.2 Released!

Journalness 3.4.2 Released! We finally fixed a few of those really annoying bugs!
Check out the changelog for details!

Posted by Drew 2004-12-10

Journalness 3.4.1 Released

Went through and made a few small tweaks. Another updated release will probably come out sometime the last week of the year.

Posted by Drew 2004-12-08

Journalness 3.4.0 Released!

Go and get it while its hot!! The new version of journalness has been released and its loaded with new features. If you have any questions/comments/concerns please leave us a message in the journalness forums ( If you find any bugs please report them to . If you want anything added to journalness please leave us a feature request at . Thank you for using journalness.

Posted by Todd 2004-09-01

An Update on Journalness

Sorry there hasnt been much visible progress around here but don't worry, were working on alot of new features. Here are just some of the features that will be included in the next release of journalness (Hopefully released in the next week or so).

New Features/Fixes:
* Added Update feature to the Web Installer. This way you wont have to manually back up your data to upgrade to this next version of journalness, it will upgrade everything that needs it and all your data will remain in-tact.
* PHP5 Compatible
* Added support for the PostgreSQL Database. Hopefully more types databases will be supported in the future.
* As users register they are able to put information about themselves such as AIM, ICQ, MSN, YIM, Location, etc etc. This information is also available for viewing/editing in your profile.
* Email Validation: The admin can choose to make the users validate their account via email before they are allowed access to that journal.
* Multilingual Support (We need people to translate the english language file to other languages in order for it work).
* Ability to store uploaded images directly into the Database if the admin chooses so.
* You can now preview entries before you post them, preview also works while editing an entry.
* Optimized and Cleaned code (Runs faster and more efficiently)
* Other bug fixes.... read more

Posted by Todd 2004-08-18

Journalness Reloaded!

We have just recently added another member to the Journalness Team, Gabriel Preston and we are excited to have him. We are in the process of rebuiling journalness with standards in mind that way our code will be easier to read and much easier to build upon. Not only are we standardizing but we are also optimizing and cleaning our code. Be on the lookout of for the next release of Journalness sometime in the near future.

Posted by Todd 2004-07-27

Released v3.1.0 more to come

We finally buckled down and added text formatting, links and images to posts. Stay tuned for a lot better design. We have been hearing that you want a better color scheme and more customization so we will be rolling out v3.2.0 with new design and a couple fixes as soon as Todd gets on it ;P

Posted by Drew 2004-06-23

Update v3.0.9b

We fixed quite a few bugs from 3.0.9 to 3.0.9b. We expect to be rolling out version 3.1.0 within the next couple of weeks. We are working on adding tag and text formatting to the entries.

Posted by Drew 2004-04-29

Released v3.0.9

Journalness Version 3.0.9 was released today. It contains many fixes from 3.0.8 and many new features as well.

Posted by Drew 2004-04-25

Soon to come: v3.0.8

We have been working on correcting lots of bugs since 3.0.7. Some of which include security issues and that annoying link bar problem in IE. We are also working on a way to keep people from crashing your journal by using html tag in posts. We hope to have the new release out sometime next week.

Posted by Drew 2004-04-17

As you can see, we are now on *yay* We will be adding a search feature to the project as well as fixing some of the known problems.


Posted by Drew 2004-04-15