
JOSSO 1.8 Released

JOSSO, or Java Open Single Sign-On, is an open source JEE and Spring based transparent SSO infrastructure aimed to provide a solution for centralized platform neutral user authentication and authorization.

The JOSSO development team is proud to announce the release 1.8, which represents a major leap forward in drastically lowering the integration and deployment time-frame involved in delivering Single Sign-On and Web Access Management (WAM) to all your applications.

What's new in 1.8:

* "5 minutes" on-the-fly set-up and deployment through custom "enhancement" console
* Multiple security domain support for enabling multiple configurations with one single server instance
* Easier and more extensible descriptors through Spring and namespace mapping
* Windows Authentication
* "Remember Me" support
* Password recovery support
* Out-of-the-box branding support
* Finer-grained components for enabling more complex SSO deployments
* Native Apache Httpd 2.x support thus enabling transparent SSO with PHP, Python, Perl, etc. applications
* Weblogic 10 Server support
* Spring Security 2.0 support for fine-grained authorization
* Improved Clustering support
* Better user experience through enhanced L&F
* Improved documentation and new samples

Posted by Gianluca Brigandi 2009-01-13

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