
JOSSO: Single Sign-On 1.7 Released

JOSSO - Java Open Single Sign-On - is an open source J2EE-based SSO infrastructure aimed to provide a solution for centralized platform neutral user authentication and authorization. For more information contact our website at :

The JOSSO Single Sign-on Project 1.7 release is out, bringing fully transparent single sign-on to BEA WebLogic 9 and Apache Geronimo 2 application servers, extending as well its interoperability span to generic JEE web container such as Jetty.
As part of this release, a brand new Ajax user management application comes built-in for enabling out-of-the-box account provisioning.

What's new in 1.7 :

* Includes full support for transparent SSO with WebLogic 9.2
* Includes full support for transparent SSO with Apache Geronimo 2
* Allows enabling JOSSO in generic JEE containers with almost-zero integration effort
* Includes an Ajax user management application, leveraging Seam, JSF and EJB 3 technologies
* Integrates with JBoss Seam 2.x
* Introduces compatibility with JBoss 4.2.2.GA+
* Includes extensiblity enhancements and bug fixes

Download from :

JOSSO's main features include:

* JAAS-based transparent cross-organization/cross-domain Single Sign-On across multiple applications and hosts
* Built-in with a Pluggable Framework to allow the implementation of multiple authentication schemes and stores
* Runs in JBoss 3.2, 4.0, 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 application servers
* Runs in Jakarta Tomcat 5.0, 5.5 and 6 web container
* Runs in WebLogic 9.2
* Runs in Apache Geronimo 2 application server
* Can be integrated with any JEE container
* Provides Identity information to web applications and EJBs through the standard Servlet and EJB Security API respectively
* Supports Strong Authentication using X.509 client certificates
* LDAP support for storing user information and credentials
* Microsoft Active Directory support for LDAP integration
* Database support for storing user information and credentials
* XML support for storing user information and credentials
* Client API for PHP. This allows to build SSO-enabled PHP applications
* Client API for Microsoft ASP. This allows to build SSO-enabled ASP applications
* Support for allowing SSO Monitoring and Management through JMX
* Pluggable Event and Auditing management
* Support for clustered Single Sign-On deployments
* Compatibility with Apache Pluto Portlet Container
* Supports programmatic authentication for remote SOAP clients.
* Spring 2.0 and Acegi Support
* JBoss Seam 2.0 support
* Offers web-based management of user and roles.
* Standards Based: JAAS, Web Services/SOAP, Spring, EJB, Struts, Servlet/JSP
* Availability of pre-configured Jakarta Tomcat, JBoss and Geronimo bundles
* 100% Java with JDK5 compatibility
* Commercial-Friendly. Released under the LGPL License

Posted by Gianluca Brigandi 2008-03-20

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