
JoonePad 0.1.0 released

We're proud to announce the first alpha version of JoonePad, the new visual editor of Joone that will substitute the actual JoonEdit.
The actual implemented feaures permit to:
* Build a new neural network by using a simple wizard
* Load a network exported (NOT saved) by the old JoonEdit application
* Display the visual representation of the network
* Edit all the properties of the Neural Network (like in the old Control Panel)
* Run/Stop/Continue the network training
* Export the neural network either in binary or XML format
* Generate the java source code needed to reproduce the edited network within a custom java program

The new editor adopts a completely different approach to the definition of a neural network, because now it's available a wizard that drives the user step-by-step, in order to help him to build a new neural network from scratch.
Now you can open an exported neural network (from the old JoonEdit), and obtain the corresponding graphic representation.
Moreover, the new editor is built as an MDI application, so you can load and work on multiple networks at a time.

It is built by using the SwiXAT framework (, another open source project maintained by P.Marrone, the author of Joone) and is just a pre-alpha release, as a lot of work has to be done (for example, at this stage the graph is used only to display the neural network, because the editing isn't implemented).
I hope you'll appreciate the new approach.

You can launch it fron this URL:
(you need WebStart). If you want, you can also post your comments and suggestions at

Posted by Paolo Marrone 2005-11-24

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