
JOFfree / News: Recent posts


To any who download my code and try it out I would love to hear about your experience with it. Even if you want to tell me it sucks, I'm cool with it as long as you explain why. Thanks, and I hope you find it useful!

Posted by Kevin Matthews 2009-02-17

Why JOFfree?

The JOFfree library converts a JSON string to Java object, or the reverse.

So, why another JSON/Java parser? In short, a Java project I was
working on was using JSON and I tried many of the libraries out there
and all of them could either not be used on this project without
unpleasant workarounds, or lacked needed features.

This library is the result of my attempt to address those things
I had problems with. I have tried to make it as simple as possible to
use and extend, but am open to (and hope for) suggestions or patches.
See the end of this overview for a code example. ... read more

Posted by Kevin Matthews 2009-02-13