
JOELib/JOELib2 / News: Recent posts

WebStart application available

Now there is a simple web start application available:

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2003-05-19

Isotope storing facility

Now it's possible to store isotope informations for molecules.

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2003-04-22

Symmetry and point group detection facility

JOELib can now detect molecular symmetry, e.g. inversion centers, rotation axes and mirror planes. Additionally the point group can be estimated by the previous informations, e.g. C2v, D4h, Oh, ...

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2003-04-22

cis/trans isomerism added to CML

This release adds cis/trans isomerism support for the Chemical Markup Language (CML) file format. This includes conversions from SMILES and 2D/3D file formats to CML and conversions from CML to SMILES and 2D/3D file formats.

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2003-04-14

Java3D viewer updated.

This release adds atom property coloring and an event mechanism for the Java3D viewer for selected atoms and bonds

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2003-04-04

Missing CML DTD's are now available in source distribution

Sorry, i've fixed the bug in the ant build.xml file to build a source code distribution. Now 'ant dist' works correctly to build a source code distribution of JOELib.

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2003-03-18

Unique SMILES generation and Hashcode calculation

This release contains an improved tie resolving functionality for the Morgan algorithm. This unique/canonical renumbering algorithm enables the hashcode calculation for molecules (actual without E/Z isomerism and S/R chirality). The unique/canonical SMILES generator supports E/Z isomerism and S/R chirality.

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2003-03-04

Chemical Markup Language (CML) 1/2 support

CML1/2 ( import/export for molecules and descriptors.

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2003-03-01

Bugfix release

The teething troubles of the 2003-01-20 release have been beared down. A Group Contribution algorithm has been added by Stephen Jelfs to calculate PSA, MR and LogP.

bug fixes in:
- shell scripts
- ant build file for missing optional libraries, e.g. CDK, Java3D
- LineMatrixHelper
- atom typer definition file

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2003-01-31

Missing atom types in release 2003-01-20

Some atom types, e.g. for Cobalt, ... are missing in the definition file joelib/src/joelib/data/plain/types.txt. Please download the actual file and replace the old one with
If you are a source code user. Please use simply joelib/sh clean compile
If you are a binary distribution user you have to replace the types.txt in the joelib/lib/joelib.jar file. ... It would be simpler if you will download the source distribution and call sh clean compile dist
If you have replaced the types.txt the builded distribution in joelib/dist contains the bug fixed version.

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2003-01-22

JOELib-Matlab toolbox released

A few examples of the Matlab-JOELib interface are released.

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2002-10-18

Speeded up SDF import/export

The new release contains a speeded up SDF import/export and an improved matrix import/export.

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2002-10-07

CDK supports JOELib

Egon Willighagen from the Chemical Development Kit has written an import/export wrapper for JOELib (descriptors are not included, till now !;-)

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2002-09-04

Protonation (pH) model updated.

See definition file: joelib/src/joelib/data/plain/phmodel.txt

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2002-08-19

New structure for descriptor calculation properties

The structure for descriptor calculation properties has changed from DescInitialisation to a standard Hashtable with JOEProperty entries.
Much more flexible, a little bit easier and analogue to process properties !

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2002-07-14

Mailing lists available

Feel free to use them for any kind of request, comment and if you will offer development support

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2002-06-24

New release

New JOELib release.

Posted by Joerg Kurt Wegner 2002-05-21