
Macros and windows

  • kyfhon felis

    kyfhon felis - 2008-12-12

    I've used this editor for a very long time, but have not actually delved deeply into it's macro I have no early idea how to do the following:

    I would like the editor arranged with two windows, arranged vertically. I would write perl code in the top window, then hit a key combination that would basically just 'filt perl - args'...this is easy, except I want the output to show up on the bottom window, while leaving the top window intact.

    Is there a better way to do this than:
    select all
    move to bottom window
    clear bottom window
    paste to bottom window
    move to top window?

    • kyfhon felis

      kyfhon felis - 2008-12-12

      With the kludgy method above, I just realized that it would have to be more complicated...there seems to be no 'select all', so I'd need to set a mark, move to the top of the finle, ^kb, move to the bottom, ^kk, do stuff, then move to the mark. Hopefully there is indeed a better way (an argument for filt to specify an output window?)


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