
#277 Indentation vs. bulleted lists


I often want to make a bulleted list in joe, say in an email. To do this, I start a line with an asterisk, and then start to type. The problem is on linewraps--joe automatically adds another * as if it were an indentation character rather than a bullet, so it has an asterisk in front of it. Auto-indent is off, so I'm not sure what Joe is trying to do here. The desired behavior would be either for the linewrap to work "as normal," meaning it just starts on a new line, or for the linewrap to self-indent (e.g., if the first line started with an asterisk and then a space, the second line should automatically indent with TWO spaces). The latter is consistent with most modern style guides; the former is arguably better when "auto-indent" is off because the latter does technically count as auto-indenting.

But the bug report here is really that this is not configurable or solvable in any way I can see; it counts as a "bug" because prefixing lines with an asterisk and a star is definitely inappropriate when auto-indentation is disabled.


  • Adam D. I. Kramer

    Clicked "add artifact" too soon, sorry. This problem actually crosses lines. If I correct line 2 after the linewrap mentioned above then keep typing, and linewrap again, Joe auto-fills the same asterisk-space on line 3 (even though line 2 does not have them, and is correct). This happens whether I correct line 2 to start with space-space or correct line 2 to not be indented. If i correct line 3 also, then when it linewraps to line 4, the problem is gone and the "correct" indentation is used--nothing or two spaces, depending on how I correct lines 2 and 3.

    So, steps to recreate:
    1) Open joe, edit a new file.
    2) Ensure that auto-indent is off and linewrapping is on
    3) Start a line with an asterisk, then a space, then type until it linewraps
    4) Note the new line begins with asterisk and then a space...why? Correct this, and keep typing until it linewraps again.
    5) Note that the next newline (line 3 now) also begins with an asterisk and then a space...why? Correct this, and keep typing until it linewraps again.
    6) Note that the next newline (line 4 now) has the same indentation as line 3, as expected.

  • Adam D. I. Kramer

    This is actually a bit more pervasive. Ify I'm writing an email and use *asterisks* to emphasize a word, and that word happens to be the first word on a line, then the next line automatically is prepended with a single asterisk.


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