
JNerve Java Napster Server / News: Recent posts

Status of jnerve project

With the recent news regarding action in the courts leading to a possible shutdown of Napster Inc., there's been a slight spike in the number of downloads for jnerve. I've also received several emails inquiring about the status of the project, so here's an update.

To my knowledge, jnerve is being used by several small groups to exchange music files privately among friends. I do not know of any public sites running jnerve (see\). The last set of feature requests I received are in the 0.32 release, since then I haven't heard from anyone in the way of requests or bug reports.... read more

Posted by Jeffrey Chiu 2000-07-30

jnerve 0.32 - Support for Windows Napster v2beta6

The new minor release version 0.32 is now available.

The only feature added is support for the new official Windows Napster v2Beta6 clients, which use the new message type 870 for sharing files.



Posted by Jeffrey Chiu 2000-06-02

jnerve 0.32 - Support for Windows Napster v2beta6

The new minor release version 0.32 is now available.

The only feature added is support for the new official Windows Napster v2Beta6 clients, which use the new message type 870 for sharing files.



Posted by Jeffrey Chiu 2000-05-31

jnerve 0.31 Alpha now available

This is a minor update to the 0.3 version.
What's New:
- fixed bug with user security level checks.
- added permanent channel support.
- added "OpenDoor" policy, allowing users without accounts to log in with user rights.

The OpenDoor feature allows Windows Napster users access to the server without the headaches of having to reconfigure their clients (changing your account name is apparently a difficult task). It somewhat defeats the point of having a user database, the way Napster deals with user accounts doesn't make for an effective security system in the first place.... read more

Posted by Jeffrey Chiu 2000-05-21

jnerve 0.3 Alpha Available

An alpha release of jnerve 0.3 is now available.

jnerve is a Java implemntation of a napster server. It is based on a lot of work from opennap, and one day will be inter-operable with it (ie. server-linking).

This alpha release is a stand-alone server only. The project is seeking someone to host this server for testing. If you would be willing to devote resources on ta machine to host this application for testing purposes, please contact

Posted by Jeffrey Chiu 2000-04-13