

Zeg Ratman

What is JMUF ?

JMUF aims at giving a framework for Java developpers dealing with music modeling and processing. As a framework, it turns out that it must give a high level of abstraction : i.e. "classical" music is not modeled in the API, but generic concepts about music (a note, a scale, a chord, alterations, modulations, etc.).

Implementations of this API are then developper specific, depending on these needs (classical, oriental, experimental music for instance). If a reference implementations will be given in the future releases of JMUF, there is no restriction on developping its own following the interfaces defined, on any Java platform (standard JVM, OSGi ...).


Current version 0.2.0 will provide a full package with samples of classical music implementations.

Target version 0.3.0 will add alterations/modulations on music notes and tutorial implementation in classical music.


No current implementation known.

API documentation

A description of the API can be found here : [JmufApiDocumentation]

Developper documentation

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

Project Members:


Wiki: JmufApiDocumentation