
Even More Ideas

I've thought of a few more feature enhancements to DUMB MUD. Being new ideas, they do not fit into the current milestone plan. Expect to see other, established ideas move around to accomodate these, but don't expect any changes soon.

1) Status server. This server will always be running when DUMB MUD is. It will bind, by default, to port 80, and serve up a very limited set of web pages that can be used to monitor, but not manipulate, DUMB MUD as a whole.

2) Manipulation abstraction. Currently, the GUI is the only way to manipulate the DUMB MUD server conglomerate. This has two disadvantages: It is not portable to non-graphical systems, and the GUI will always be on screen. By providing a manipulation server, running on a known port and with a custom protocol, we can fix this problem. The GUI will be able to run, either locally or remotely, to administer DUMB MUD. Other manipulators, including CLI ones, could be easily written. And the GUI, being just a client, can be closed entirely when not in use. Clearly, though, a level of security and verification is needed for this idea to be feasible.


Posted by Adam Berger 2000-12-11

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