
installation issues

  • Andrey Ponomarenko


    I've tried to install jlibcpp-0.7, 0.6 and other older versions of jlibcpp and found several problems:

    1) jcommon/include/* files have broken permissions and cannot be installed under non-root user
    ls -l jcommon/include/
    chmod +x jcommon/include/ -R

    2) make install PREFIX=<path> installs headers to /usr/local always:
    sed -e 's/\/usr\/local\//\$\(PREFIX\)\//g' Makefile > Makefile.1 && mv Makefile.1 Makefile

  • Andrey Ponomarenko

    3) make errors:
    Instaling include files in /home/andrey/upstream-tracker/testing/jlibcpp/0.7/include/jlibcpp OK
    Instaling in /home/andrey/upstream-tracker/testing/jlibcpp/0.7/lib/ OK
    ln: accessing `/home/andrey/upstream-tracker/testing/jlibcpp/0.7/lib/': Not a directory

    The issue is that it creates a shared file "lib" instead of directory "lib/" in the installation directory.

  • Jeff Ferr

    Jeff Ferr - 2010-12-20

    Olah Andrey,

    I'll add a new version from jlibcpp (jlibcpp-1.0) next week with some bugfixes (including the problems of permissions).

    Best regards;


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