
how install jipcam

  • sargate

    sargate - 2007-07-02

    sorry, until now I was unable to install jipcam in JMF.
    I only place the jar in the JMF/lib, and in the JVM/lib and in JVM/ext
    But i cannot use it.
    I try to install it, to be in JMF but i can not do it, is there any particular way to do it?

    • - 2007-07-02

      Are you using the JMS Studio to connect to your camera?  If so, did you register the protocol for the camera within JMS?  This may be the issue.

      Otherwise, what error message are you getting?

      Other details, like your JVM, os version, etc would be useful to figure out the problem.


    • sargate

      sargate - 2007-07-03

      Hi, thanks for the quick answer.
      I am using Ubuntu 7.04, with java 6, i download the lastest JMF 2.11e, tried to run your jar, compilet, but i can not get it working
      The error when i try it to run it is:

         0    [main] DEBUG  - Attempting to register Axis protocol handler: net.sf.jipcam.axis
      110  [main] DEBUG  - Adding new Package Protocol Prefix: net.sf.jipcam.axis
      Could not commit protocolPrefixList

      Is a 211a axis camera.

      I want to use jipcam with JMF for motion detection.


      • - 2007-07-03

        I haven't done any testing using Java 6 yet.  However, I think it's unlikely that this is causing your problem.

        When you say that you "tried to run your jar", what exactly was the command line that you ran?  Are you running the jar with your motion detection package, or are you running jipCam as a standalone program?  What motion detection package are you using?

        In order to connect to MJPEG cameras, like Axis', an attempt is made to register the appropriate protocol handler to the JMF configuration database.  It's possible that the permissions of the database file aren't allowing your user account to write to it.  Either you can find the JMF protocol database file and change change the permissions to be writable by your user account, or you can run your program as root.

        Let me know if you try either of these and how it turns out.


    • sargate

      sargate - 2007-07-05

      ok, i try to run jipcam alone in a terminal as root
      I get this:

      $sudo java -jar jipcam-0.9.3.jar
      log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (
      log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
      Could not commit protocolPrefixList

      • - 2007-07-06

        It appears the protocol prefix still isn't getting registered because you are getting the "Could not commit protocolPrefixList" message.  Your options are to:

        1) find where this message is printed in the sourcecode, and add more debugging to see what's going on

        2) figure out how to manually add the appropriate protocol prefix using JMS Studio.

        3) disregard registering the protocol prefix, and code your JMF motion detection to use the jipcam library classes directly.  This will work fine, but it negates the JMF's registry function that is used to "auto-find" the appropriate protcol prefix.

        Considering that you've nearly got it working, I'd choose solution number 3.  You won't be running jipcam directly this way, but would create a DataSource manually.  The jipcam DataSource is a PullBufferDataSource, so you can follow any JMF examples that use a PullBufferDataSource, after you configure it properly:

        DataSource mySource = new DataSource();
        mySource.setUsername("myuser"); // use null for no security
        mySource.setUsername("mypass"); // use null for no security

        Then use this datasource with JMF directly.


    • sargate

      sargate - 2007-07-09

      thank you very much, I will try the solution 3


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