
Jinzora 1.0 Released!

The Jinzora Development Team is very excited to announce the immediate availability of Jinzora 1.0, the premiere web based application for media
streaming and media management. With this release Jinzora reaches a
significant milestone in its development cycle and announces a new partnership with the Reactor Project (
The Reactor Project is a simple to install Apache distribution for Windows that includes some of the best web based open source
software, including MySQL, PHP, Perl, phpMyAdmin, PHP-Nuke and Jinzora. Also available is Reactor Lite, a version of Reactor
including only Apache, PHP, and Jinzora for a quick and easy standalone Jinzora install.

Jinzora 1.0 includes bug fixes and many exciting new features including:
- The ability to use an embedded Windows Media Player for media playback
- "Slimzora" - A "slim" interface of Jinzora for handheld and mobile devices
- Java Applet for multi-file uploads
- Support for the MDPro CMS
- Support for the CPGNuke CMS
- Genre/Artists/Albums browsing by alpha/letter
- Significant updates to Jukebox mode
- Bulk media management tools
- Lo-Fi track display and user type
- The ability to easily create Lo-Fi tracks using LAME
- Thumbnail images for tracks
- Tracking of each time an item is downloaded

Special thanks go out to this releases winner of our Most Active User Award, congratulations and thanks to Brian Pipa (aka FileNabber),
enjoy $20 of iTunes credits on us! Also special thanks go out to the newest member of our development team, Laurent Perrin, who has done
some outstanding work for us all! Also thanks to Adam White and the Reactor Project for his help in making Jinzora and Reactor come together
so nicely! Great work everyone!

Please download ( a copy today, drop by our forums (
or read our detailed documentation ( for support, or try our online demo (
or check out the screenshots (

Posted by Ross Carlson 2004-04-15

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