Womo - 2006-05-05

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Same here, tested with:
Jikes Compiler - Version 1.22 - 3 October 2004

If I specify:
SET EXTDIRS=%PROGRAMFILES%\Java\jre1.5.0_06\lib\ext\

then jikes reports:
*** Semantic Warning: The file
"N:/Programme/Java/jre1.5.0_06/lib/ext/" does not
exist or else is not a valid zip file.

eight times on every call.

These eight times is exactly the number of files that is
contained within the ext directory of above.
If I then add one file to the ext directory, the warning
reports increase by one. That seems to be a string
indication for a bug in jikes as the JARs contained within
the ext directory are standard Java ones as well as some
from the Java-3D API.