
Java Home Automation / News: Recent posts

Moving to Java 2 Platform

After month of neglect I've started up the cause of working on this project. I'm now begining to move the project to the Java 2 platform for a number of reasons, mostly performance and design reasons. Now project releases will be in a single jar which can be run from the command line as java -jar alice.jar, which in Java 2 will automatically launch the application.

Posted by Walter Bogaardt 2001-04-27

Stable release

Finished a more stable release of the Java Home automation program. There are still a few issues to hammer out from a UI standpoint. One is to work out some sort of macro creation wizard so building macros becomes a bit easier. Most of the major componets to this seem to be stable and will probably be moved to release 1.0 after a bit more stress/user testing is completed.

Posted by Walter Bogaardt 2000-06-21

Installer for end users

Started initial work on an installer that will extract the files and necessary scripts to run Alice. This way it makes it easier for the not so savy end user, but also takes some of the headaches regular users may encounter. Currently the installer extracts files and install as script for Unix based systems, but the plan is to have a finished version for windows based users, by the end of the week. I also hope to hammer out more bugs and issues through testing. All the feedbacks and bug reports have been much appreciated since it helps in isolating problem areas.

Posted by Walter Bogaardt 2000-06-20

Updated fixes

Fixes have been made to the events handling and running of these events. Additionaly I've begun work on redesigning the object structure of the application.

Posted by Walter Bogaardt 2000-06-03

Project source now available!

The Java Home Automation project aka ALICE has moved to this site and opened CVS shop for intrested developers. ALICE is functional in its current state, but still has certain bugs that need to be resolved.

Posted by Walter Bogaardt 2000-04-20