
Problem updating roles.

  • Vinicius Pitta Lima de Araujo

    Hi guys,
    I am haveing problems updating roles. If I update one role of my current user then the role becomes invalid (has no effect) and I have to reload the webapp.

    The check permission process are not clear to me. I tried to  find the problem without sucess.

    It seems that the only relationship between the role associated to one permission or domain and the role associated to one user is the role name and application name. I am right?

    I think about it because the update role process remove the role and recreate it. So I think - What the update role process forget?

    Can you help me? Have you the same problem?

    Thank you for pay attention.
    Vincius Pitta Lima de Arajo

    • Vinicius Pitta Lima de Araujo

      Note: After reloading the webapp the domains map and domainsSet set instances store differents domains referecens.

    • Charles Lescot

      Charles Lescot - 2005-05-31

      hi Vinicius,
      "It seems that the only relationship between the role associated to one permission or domain and the role associated to one user is the role name and application name. I am right?"
      => yes, you are right.

      "I think about it because the update role process remove the role and recreate it."
      => yes, it works like it.
      maybe, we should only update the role.
      but does it enhance something?
      maybe there is a reference issue....

      sincerly yours,


    • Charles Lescot

      Charles Lescot - 2005-05-31

      "Note: After reloading the webapp the domains map and domainsSet set instances store differents domains referecens."
      => it seems you have found the bug!

      can you fill a bug report to detail and centralize this bug?
      (new features also, should be added in the RFE section).

      sincerly yours,


      • Vinicius Pitta Lima de Araujo

        Do you have any suspicion about the cause of error?

        Vincius Pitta Lima de Arajo

      • Vinicius Pitta Lima de Araujo

        Is not clear for me how the permission check interact with the AuthorizationManager.

        I think that this interaction is made by the getPermissions method from JGuardPolicy. But when this method is called? I think that is once time when the webapp is loaded. This is not clear for me. :(

        After change/create/delete one domain or permission the changes has no effect on logged user. I must reload the webapp to the changes make effect. Why?

        Vincius Pitta Lima de Arajo

    • Vinicius Pitta Lima de Araujo

      I FOUND THE CAUSE OF THIS ERROR and was filled the bug report. :)

      See the explaination of the error in the bug report:

      Vincius Pitta Lima de Arajo


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