
JGAP 3.2 released

JGAP is a Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.2 represents major feature enhancements, including:
+ Port to Java version 5 (previously also ran on version 4)
+ Providing a job-based evolution facility, allowing to run your own computing grid
+ Improvements in the grid logic (especially concerning the architecture)
+ Better evolution architecture thanks to the new Breeder class
+ Caching of fitness computation via introduction of business keys
+ Speedup
+ Genetic Programming enhancements
+ A complex Robocode GP example for evolving pure Java code
+ A lot of new unit tests (currently we count over 1350 unit tests)
+ Bug fixes with new unit tests exposing the former bugs
+ A lot more, see the change log

This version includes a lot of input from the growing user base of JGAP. We are very happy of that because the heart of JGAP is the community!
Feedback from you is always welcome and necessary to still raise the quality of JGAP in the future!

This release can be downloaded here:

For more information visit the JGAP homepage at

Klaus Meffert for the JGAP team

Posted by Klaus 2007-06-23

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