
#275 48TB filesystem cannot write (fsck fails too)

fsck (38)

I have been trying to get JFS filesystem working on a new disk array (48TB) but it failed in fsck.jfs -f.
Filesystem was created with mkfs.jfs, but it completed immediately after entering Y to confirm to format.
If mounted, any write will freeze the system completely. It is running Ubuntu Linux Server with kernel with jfsutils 1.1.14 that I have compiled separately.

Here are the output from my actions above:
root@server:~# mdadm --detail /dev/md2
Version : 00.90.03
Creation Time : Sat Nov 28 19:01:31 2009
Raid Level : raid0
Array Size : 46874488832 (44703.00 GiB 47999.48 GB)
Raid Devices : 4
Total Devices : 4
Preferred Minor : 2
Persistence : Superblock is persistent

Update Time : Sat Nov 28 19:01:31 2009
State : clean
Active Devices : 4
Working Devices : 4
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 0

Chunk Size : 1024K

UUID : 58dc12b2:1471170a:38c8bf76:8596dc44 (local to host server)
Events : 0.1

Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
0 8 49 0 active sync /dev/sdd1
1 8 65 1 active sync /dev/sde1
2 8 81 2 active sync /dev/sdf1
3 8 97 3 active sync /dev/sdg1

root@server:~# mkfs.jfs /dev/md2
mkfs.jfs version 1.1.14, 06-Apr-2009
Warning! All data on device /dev/md2 will be lost!

Continue? (Y/N) y

Format completed successfully.

46874488832 kilobytes total disk space.

root@server:~# fsck.jfs /dev/md2 -f
fsck.jfs version 1.1.14, 06-Apr-2009
processing started: 11/28/2009 19.2.29
The current device is: /dev/md2
Block size in bytes: 4096
Filesystem size in blocks: 11718622208
**Phase 0 - Replay Journal Log
**Phase 1 - Check Blocks, Files/Directories, and Directory Entries
**Phase 2 - Count links
**Phase 3 - Duplicate Block Rescan and Directory Connectedness
**Phase 4 - Report Problems
**Phase 5 - Check Connectivity
**Phase 6 - Perform Approved Corrections
**Phase 7 - Rebuild File/Directory Allocation Maps
**Phase 8 - Rebuild Disk Allocation Maps
ujfs_rw_diskblocks: disk_count is 0
Unrecoverable error writing M to /dev/md2. CANNOT CONTINUE.

As I understand the filesystem size of 48TB is nowhere near JFS's limit, could this be a bug in the mkfs.jfs software? Please advise. Thanks.


  • David Kleikamp

    David Kleikamp - 2009-11-30

    Allow mkfs.jfs to create a file over 32 TB

  • David Kleikamp

    David Kleikamp - 2009-11-30

    I found this patch which I haven't committed yet. This should fix mkfs.jfs, but I still need to take a closer look at fsck.jfs. Don't hesitate to nag me if I don't respond within a week or so.

  • David Kleikamp

    David Kleikamp - 2009-11-30
    • assigned_to: nobody --> shaggyk
  • Nobody/Anonymous


    Thanks for the patch. Now the filesystem can be formatted properly with mkfs.jfs. Writing to the filesystem now works just fine.

    The same error still occurs with fsck.jfs -f. Hope you can get to the bottom of this. Thanks!

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    By any chance did you manage to sort out fsck.jfs for this? Thanks.

  • David Kleikamp

    David Kleikamp - 2010-06-04
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • David Kleikamp

    David Kleikamp - 2010-06-04

    Fixed in cvs