
#1 Pluggable architecture

Design (5)

It should be possible that new features in jeteam can be
added without any changes to the existing deployable

This means that adding new beans to the system can
be done seemlessly by deploying a new package.

In order to do this succesfully it will be required that the
tables in the database do not have foreign keys into the
plugin tables

On the otherside it should also be possible to undeploy
plugins, there fore invalidating the associated tables
(what this exactly means is an open question, maybe
they are dropped, maybe the data is only logically

It would be nice to be able to deploy new features
through the JMX interface

The implementation of this architecture may not be
immediate, however, we must bear it in mind.


  • Ludovic Deravet

    Ludovic Deravet - 2003-03-27

    Logged In: YES

    Indeed, this is going to be a great challenge and something
    we must go for.

    The major issue will be probably on the client side where
    new functionnalities must be reflected too. Either by being
    smoothtly integrated in the pre-existing pages or by new
    functionnalites that appear in a toolbar, for instance (most
    easiest). As you said, it must be discussed.

    There's a good tool for JMX management. It's called EJTools.

  • Wouter Zoons

    Wouter Zoons - 2003-12-02

    Logged In: YES

    we should define what this concretely means, do we write a
    core first with thinking about this and integrate it
    afterwards, or do we start with a micro-kernel and plugin
    features one at a time ?

    I am not sure this is possible because some features might
    go through the complete implementation stack

    as an example: how can you plugin security (application
    specific roles etc...) if you want to maintain compatibility
    with JAAS on the backend (security roles) and on the
    front-end (roles referenced from Struts), what I mean is:
    won't changing a plugin have too much effect on the rest of
    the app.. isn't the app's business always closely tied by
    construction ?

    with JBoss it is different as this is the purpose of their
    software, furthermore they follow standards that are
    designed to provide exactly and only just that: middleware

    for an application this lies a little different, so for
    these reasons we might consider abondoning this feature

    also: is it really a desired feature ? how does it affect
    release times ? will it overcomplicate design ?


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